Компания ООО «Tojfilis»

Hurrah hurrah hurrah! Happy 2022, everyone. We hope that it will be productive and successful for all of us. We hasten to announce that our team enters into a contract with Tojfilis Ltd. in the city of Buston. The topic is the reconstruction of automation systems based on TIA Portal. We wish us luck and hope for cooperation.

We are also ready to offer our friends commissioning works, the survey of automation systems, and programming. #commissionin #TIA #Siemens #automation #team

Tia Portal (Totally Integrated Automation Portal) is a Siemens product and was created as a complete automation solution. It includes a lot of «packages» such as SIMATIC STEP 7 SIMATIC WinCC SINAMICS Startdrive SIMOTION SCOUT TIA
This control system is an embodiment of the concept of Totally Integrated Automation (Totally Integrated Automation) and the evolutionary development of the family of automation systems Simatic family of automation systems from Siemens AG.

Automation systems combine perfectly with HVAC systems, fire automation, industrial equipment, smart houses. In fact, automation saves you money, human resources and time.

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